“Is using artificial intelligence to write your blog post like using a calculator to solve a math problem?” ChatGTP, Google’s BARD, and Microsoft’s Bing AI are all the buzz on the internet. These conversational artificial intelligence programs will answer your questions, write blog posts, create new stories with prompts, and much much more. What is …Read More
Author: Dr. Joel Ying, MD
Adapt Martial Arts to You
“I’m too old. This is for young people. This is crazy for me to try to do,” thought Deb A. Zion, one morning after waking up with arms so sore that she was unable to move. Living in Mansfield, Massachusetts, she had been practicing martial arts for many years, and last night had been a …Read More
Where good ideas come from ~ Steven Johnson
I am guilty of this too. It’s what we do as storytellers. We look for that pivotal moment, that eureka moment, that stroke of insight. Lifechanging moments are the stuff of good stories. It creates tension to move towards this great climax where the aha moment strikes you with an idea, and your life is …Read More
Find your punchline and deliver it ~ Michael Jr.
Comedian Michael Jr. will tell you that the secret to comedy is also the secret to life: “Instead of trying to get, find an opportunity to give.“ When he shifted his mindset from getting a laugh to giving an opportunity for laughter, his comedy career (and his life) changed. Comedy In comedy, there’s the setup …Read More
This too shall pass
“I would like a ring that will make a happy person sad… and a sad person happy,” said the King to his ministers. The ministers went about the land looking high and low, near and far, but they could find no one who knew of such a ring. The weeks turned to months. The months …Read More
Can you learn to be happy?
Arthur Brooks teaches a course on happiness at the Harvard Business School. He teaches how to be happy and how to make those around you happy. Why would happiness be important in business? “According to the best research available (which we will read in this class), to be a successful leader, you need to understand …Read More
What makes a good life? ~ Robert Waldinger
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” In my high school graduation book, I remember answering this question. With the whole world in front of me, heading off to college, trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. Gathering advice from different people, reading widely, experiencing what high …Read More
How Do I Love Thee?
How Do I Love Thee? ~ by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 – 1861) How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the …Read More
Think Again ~ Adam Grant
Why do some groups seem to thrive with conflict while other fall apart? If you are like me and occasionally suffer from being too agreeable, then all conflict is bad. I fearfully shrink away from argument and think that the situation will self-destruct. They will think I’m a terrible person. Task Conflict vs. Relationship Conflict …Read More
How do we heal medicine? ~ Atul Gawande
“Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.” In the pre-penicillin years of the 1930’s, medicine was simple… one person could know and do everything, but doctors could do very little. Now the complexity and the cost of medicine has exploded. How do we deal with complex systems? In 2012, Atul Gawande proposed a …Read More