When Love Arrives ~ Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye

Love arrives exactly when Love is supposed to and Love leaves exactly when Love must.When Love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.”If Love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her.Turn off the music. Listen to the quiet.Whisper, “Thank you for stopping by.”— Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye “When Love Arrives” ~ Sarah …Read More

Storytelling as Medicine, Online Courses

I’m a physician and storyteller. How does a physician become a storyteller? Well, that’s a long story (coming soon), but right now I’ll just say that “healing” comes to us in so many different way. Today, along with my stethoscope and my prescription pad … I carry stories as my medicine. Stories are Medicine Stories …Read More

Stigma & Medicine ~ Nathalia Holt, PhD

“We can’t possibly change medicine until we change opinions.”~ Dr. Nathalia Holt, PhD In 1940, Mary Woodward Lasker married Albert Lasker, a retired advertising executive. This union would change the face of medical research. Together, they launched a campaign to promote medical research. They did not just donate money to researchers. They did not just …Read More