Open AI’s DALL-E is a major upheaval in the world of photography. If you’ve been hiding in a cave, you might not know that AI stands for “Artificial Intelligence.” You also might not know that major advances have been happening and the world of AI is now in beta testing by different companies releasing the technology to the public.
DALL·E 2 is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.
The generative design artist comes up with the natural language description and the AI system creates the art. Tweaking the description and continuing to re-generate to get the final image.
What are the ethics of AI generated art?
- Do you have to give AI credit?
- Will it replace the job of artists and creatives? Will it create a new genre?
- AI can borrow styles, images, and even someone’s identity. What are the legal implications?
The world is always changing. Society will have to deal with the many new questions ahead. This future is part of our present. The past still has a place, but where and how? From utopia to apocalypse, what will it be like “living the present moment” in the world of AI?
In the meantime, here is a look at AI-generated images from the Instagram channel openaidalle.
Feeling creative? Give openaidalle a try….