#27: Architecture – Building a Passion (Steven Jallad)

What does it take to build a dream? Maybe an architect.

Steven Jallad designs and oversees the building of homes in Naples, Florida. His path to architecture began with a love for drawing and working with his hands. He followed that passion as the thread in his life.

The craft of carpentry during the summers kept his hands working while earning a degree in Architecture from the University of Virginia. Traveling to West Africa with the Peace Corps, he built homes that fit a very different environment. This sparked an interest in green design that took him to Colorado for the next 10 years to build “off the grid” homes – designing in the winter, building in the summer. In 2008, he traded in mountain style for beach style and moved to Naples, Florida. Yet, he hangs on to the thread of passion, continuing to build a dream through architecture.

His personal journey inspires us to find the passion in life and continue to follow the thread. The thread from A to B is not always a straight line. Even as we make choices on how to weave our life, the loom of life takes us each on her own journey. Through ups and downs, sideways and detours, holding onto the thread is not always easy, but that is how to weave a life of passion and purpose.

Listen to our conversation as Steven Jallad takes us into the life of an architect.

In this interview …

  • What does an architect do?
  • How do you become an architect?
  • A personal journey finding passion in building homes

Find Steven Jallad at [email protected].

Living the Present Moment – the Podcast Interview Series

“People of Passion and Purpose, Doing Interesting Things, Living the Present Moment”

Recorded: Thu Feb 21, 2019; Released: Fri Mar 1, 2019

Background Music: (public domain) Happy African Village by John Bartmann