#24: Music Together (Luke Burhenn)

“To make the world a better place by making it more musical.”

The mission of Music Together has spread to over 3000 locations and over 40 countries. Parents bring their children from infants to 5 years old to a weekly community music experience. With music and songs from around the world, the curriculum creates the safe space for everyone to sing. Yes! Even the babies!

I recently learned about this inspiring organization from Luke Burhenn. Living in Ft Collins, Colorado, he has been attending these community events since his son was a toddler. Now music has become an integral part of their lives.

Learn more by listening to the interview.

Watch Video: What Families Say About Music Together

The Four Principles of Music Together

Parents Singing To Baby Image

  1. All children are born musical.
  2. All children can achieve basic music competence—that is, they can learn to sing in tune and dance accurately to a beat.
  3. It’s crucial that parents and caregivers participate in class and model music-making for their children in class and at home, regardless of their own musical ability.
  4. The environment that best fosters young children’s musical growth is playful, musically rich, and developmentally appropriate.

In this interview …

  • What is Music Together?
  • Learn what a typical class looks like.
  • Discover one parent’s inspiring experience of bringing music into his child’s life.

Learn more about Music Together and find a class near you at musictogether.com.

Recorded: Thu Nov 9, 2018; Released: Fri Nov 10, 2018

Interview by Dr. Joel Ying.

“People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living the present moment.”
