#23: Thinking Directions (Jean Moroney)

“Writer, Teacher, and Mostly Recovered Nerd,”

Jean Moroney works with ambitious individuals and teams who know sharpening their mental skills will give them a performance edge. She teaches thinking skills that help us make better judgment calls, align motivation with intentions, and cross the finish line sooner. She believes that we can all learn to become better, faster problem-solvers, more confident decision-makers, and more reliable and resilient self-starters.

Jean Moroney has a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from MIT, and another in Psychology from Carnegie Mellon. She has hundreds of hours of training in Marshall Rosenberg’s “Nonviolent Communication,” F.M. Alexander’s technique for body awareness, and Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. Since starting her consulting business in 1998, she has helped experts from Fortune 500 executives to independent entrepreneurs, artists and writers embark with confidence on new, uncertain projects and finish what they start.

Her consulting company is Thinking Directions, and you can find her online at ThinkingDirections.com.

In this interview …

  • Learn how Electrical Engineering leads to a career in Psychology
  • Discover what it means to “Manage Your Mind”
  • Willpower vs. Value-Power: Learn about her free online event on Sun Oct 21, 2018

Find Jean Moroney online at ThinkingDirections.com.

Recorded: Wed Oct 10; Released: Fri Oct 12, 2018

Interview by Dr. Joel Ying.

“People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living the present moment.”
