#17: Control Your Clutter, Move Your Life (Mary Jo Zeller)

Are you in control of your stuff? Or is your stuff in control of you?

Mary Jo Zeller is a moving consultant. She has supported thousands of families in downsizing, relocating, and getting organized.

She received her Masters Degree in Gerontology in 1978 from the University of Illinois, Springfield. Her service record with older adults spans 40 years having worked in community based services, retirement communities, assisted living and long term care communities.   She currently is the Director of MySolutions a service of The Arlington of Naples.

Interview by Dr. Joel Ying.

“People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living the present moment.”


In this interview …

  • What is clutter
  • Tips on tackling clutter
  • How clearing clutter can improve your life

Find Mary Jo Zeller online at www.MySolutions.org.

Recorded: Fri Jul 6, 2018, on LivingthePresentMoment.com/studygroup

Books on Clearing Clutter