Release and Renewal ~ Finding Community

One month to go.What do you want to release from 2020? In December of 1979, my parents moved from Jamaica to Florida. Only in retrospect can I look back and honor all that they left behind: the country that they were born in, the close support of family and friends, a business that they had built. However, …Read More

Release & Renewal ~ New Year’s Retreat 2020

“Beautiful experience allowing you to dive inwards and pull up what allows us to truly grow…” ~J.V., New York About a decade ago, I had what I like to call my early early pre-pre-pre-mid-life crisis. (There have been a few others since.) Endless loops of thought. “Is this what I should be doing? Is this …Read More

Sacred Medicine Wheel – New Year’s Retreat

“Birth, Life, Death is a cycle, and they are all beautiful. You celebrate all of them.” ~ Cesar Milan The Native American teachings are connected to observation of the natural world. All over the natural world we see cycles. The cycle of the day and night. The cycle of the seasons. The cycle of life. …Read More

Native American Wisdom: “Nature is my teacher.”

“Nature is my teacher.” The Native American teachings rely on observation of Nature—listening to the stories whispered by of the natural world. The outer world reflects our inner world. When I have been in intense times of emotional and spiritual discomfort (depressed, burned out), I look to change everything around me. Start exercising. Change jobs. …Read More

The Medicine Wheel, Upcoming Workshop

Scattered across North America are stones arranged in a circle like spokes on a wheel. These sacred sites were built long ago by the Native American peoples, and continue to be sacred to those that build them today. Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming is one of the most well-known. At nearly 10,000 feet elevation …Read More