Autumn Equinox ~ a day of balance

“There is a harmony In autumn, and a luster in its sky…” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley Today is a day of balance! September 23, 2019, begins the Autumn Equinox, the change of seasons, the first day of Autumn. The sun shines directly on the equator. The hours of day and night are equal for the whole …Read More

The Lion King – Circle of Life

Disney has become an iconic part of American culture. Reaching into the mythical stories from cultures around the world, Disney recreates those stories to bring the messages from those narratives into modern light. Pablo Picasso famously stated, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.” Pablo was a dramatic Spaniard; I prefer to say the secret of …Read More

Sacred Medicine Wheel – New Year’s Retreat

“Birth, Life, Death is a cycle, and they are all beautiful. You celebrate all of them.” ~ Cesar Milan The Native American teachings are connected to observation of the natural world. All over the natural world we see cycles. The cycle of the day and night. The cycle of the seasons. The cycle of life. …Read More

Native American Wisdom: “Nature is my teacher.”

“Nature is my teacher.” The Native American teachings rely on observation of Nature—listening to the stories whispered by of the natural world. The outer world reflects our inner world. When I have been in intense times of emotional and spiritual discomfort (depressed, burned out), I look to change everything around me. Start exercising. Change jobs. …Read More

Group Magic: Sedona, AZ

“Certain things catch your eye, But pursue only those that capture your heart.” –Native American Saying I just completed a transformational workshop, co-teaching with my friend Suzanne Sculock-Durana in her annual New Year’s Retreat in Sedona, Arizona. In the “Release and Renewal” workshop, we honor the wisdom of the Native American Medicine Wheel and apply it …Read More

The Medicine Wheel, Upcoming Workshop

Scattered across North America are stones arranged in a circle like spokes on a wheel. These sacred sites were built long ago by the Native American peoples, and continue to be sacred to those that build them today. Big Horn Medicine Wheel in Wyoming is one of the most well-known. At nearly 10,000 feet elevation …Read More