Mission: Loved As I Am

"My Mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find peace with exactly who and what I am. To take pride in my thoughts, my appearance, my talents, my flaws and to stop this incessant worrying that I can't be loved as I am." - Anais Nin

Inspiring quote for today:

“My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to find peace with exactly who and what I am. To take pride in my thoughts, my appearance, my talents, my flaws and to stop this incessant worrying that I can’t be loved as I am.” — Anais Nin

What’s your mission?

A mission is something very different from a goal. A goal is something that you can achieve and check off your list. You never complete a true mission. A “mission statement” continues to inspire you forward with action toward a vision of something greater. Representing your values and philosophy, your mission provides a measure for moving forward with your decisions and actions. Is this in alignment with my mission?

Find a mission that inspires you everyday

Write down the answers to the following questions:

  1. VISION: What do you envision for the future as an individual or a company?
  2. ACTION: How can you achieve that vision? What actions will you take?
  3. VALUES: Why do you do what you do? What are your values and philosophy?

Put it all together in a concise and powerful statement.

The litmus test: Does it inspire you? or does it bore you?

We all continually evolve and sometimes mission statements need to evolve too.

Keep it short, powerful, and inspiring.

“I want to be the kind of person my dog already thinks I am.”
~ Anonymous

Examples of Mission Statements (follow these links)

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