Motivating lasting change: Fear vs. Efficacy

About 40 years ago, dentists in Connecticut ran an experiment.1 They wanted to know how to motivate people to brush and floss their teeth. They decided to try the well-known tactic–scare them into doing it. They randomized a large group of subjects into two groups. They gave one group an informational video of why and …Read More

How changing your story can change your life ~ Lori Gottlieb

“Once upon a time in a land far far away…” As a communication skill between a teller and a listener, “story” is a structure to convey an experience. With oral storytelling, my words paint on the canvas of the imagination to create sights, sounds, and even tastes and smells. The experience becomes even richer as …Read More

Why incompetent people think they’re amazing

“We don’t know what we don’t know.” Beginner’s Mind When I first discovered the art of storytelling performance, I had beginner’s mind. Here was my process: Pick a story that I like. Learn the story. Tell it. I relied on “natural talent.” Vocal variety, facial expressions, and gestures came naturally to me. Other skills had …Read More